⭐ [New] Get Ratings

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the list of ratings.



  1. ✨ Create a Workspace
  2. 🔑 Get your API Key
  3. ⭐ Rate Profiles for a Job


Postman Endpoint (Coming soon)

Try out the live API demo of this endpoint with Postman.

Request headers

X-USER-EMAILYour HrFlow.ai account's email.


Retrieve Ratings Associated with a Specific Profile or Job

  • To filter by a specific profile, include the parameters (source_key, profile_key//profile_reference) and leave source_keys empty.
  • To filter by a specific job, include the parameters (board_key, job_key//job_reference) and leave board_keys empty.


Retrieve Ratings Associated with a Specific List of Profiles or Jobs

  • To filter ratings based on a list of profiles within a list of sources, include the parameter source_keys and leave (source_key, profile_key//profile_reference) empty.
  • To filter ratings based on a list of jobs within a list of boards, include the parameter board_keys and leave (board_key, job_key//job_reference) empty.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!