πŸ“– The Job Object

Fields' description and JSON of the Job Object.

Job Object

Identification key of the Job.
Custom identifier of the Job.
Job title.
Job location object.
Required Deprecated
Job custom sections. This field is deprecated. Use culture, benefits, responsibilities, requirements and interviews instead.
culturestringDescribes the company's values, work environment, and ethos.
benefitsstringLists the perks and advantages offered to employees.
responsibilitiesstringOutlines the duties and tasks expected from the role.
requirementsstringSpecifies the qualifications and skills needed for the position.
interviewsstringProvides information about the interview process and stages.
urlstringJob post original URL.
summarystringBrief summary of the Job.
boardBoardBoard object attached to the Job.
archived_atdatetime ISO 8601Archive date of the Job. The value is null for unarchived Jobs.
updated_atdatetime ISO 8601Last update date of the Job.
created_atdatetime ISO 8601Creation date of the Job.
skillsSkillsList of skills of the Job.
languagesLanguagesList of spoken languages of the Job.
certificationsCertificationsList of certifications of the Job.
coursesCoursesList of courses of the Job.
tasksTasksList of tasks of the Job.
interestsInterests List of interests of the Job.
tagsTagsList of tags of the Job.
metadatasMetadatasList of metadatas of the Job.
ranges_floatRanges of floatsList of ranges of floats
ranges_dateRanges of datesList of ranges of dates.

Sections of the Job

Sections is an array of objects accessible via the field sections and follows the structure below:

namestringIdentification name of a Section of the Job. Example: culture
titlestringDisplay Title of a Section. Example: Corporate Culture
descriptionstringText description of a Section: Example: Our values are...

Ranges of floats

Ranges of floats is an array of objects accessible via the field ranges_float and follows the structure below:

namestringIdentification name of a Range of floats attached to the Job. Example: salary.
value_minfloatMin value. Example: 500.
value_maxfloatMax value. Example: 100.
unitstringUnit of the value. Example: euros.

Ranges of dates

Ranges of dates is an array of objects accessible via the field ranges_date and follows the structure below:

namestringIdentification name of a Range of dates attached to the Job. Example: availability.
value_mindatetime ISO 8601Min value. Example: 500.
value_maxdatetime ISO 8601Max value. Example: 1000.

Example of Job JSON