🧠 Score Profiles indexed in Sources for a Job

This endpoint allows you to Score Profiles for Job.



  1. ✨ Create a Workspace
  2. 🔑 Get your API Key
  3. 🧠 Activate Profiles Searching API
  4. 🧠 Activate Profiles Scoring API
  5. 🔌 Create a Source
  6. 💾 Index Profiles in the Source
  7. 🔌 Create a Board
  8. 💾 Index a Job

Scoring activation

Scoring must be activated for the source used. Please activate scoring from our developer platform:

  • On your HrFlow developer account, navigate to Connections > My Sources
  • Click on the source you are willing to use for scoring
  • In AI Modules tab, scroll down and turn the "Profile Scoring API" switch on

Request headers

X-USER-EMAILYour HrFlow.ai account's email.


Query Parameters

The job_key and the job_reference cannot be null at the same time in the Query Parameters.



This endpoint returns a data object containing two objects:

  • Profiles: array of objects Profile.
  • Predictions: array of arrays of floats [ 1-score, score ]. Example: [0.49184858798980713, 0.50815147161483765].

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!