π§ AI Solutions
Artificial Intelligence Solutions of HrFlow.ai
HrFlow.ai provides a fully integrated suite of AI solutions to enable leading HR experiences & automations.
You can access the complete catalog by visiting the section AI Studio > AI Solutions.
HrFlow.ai provides two types of products:
- Basic products: available on self-service without commitment - such as Parsing API with an end of the month usage billing.
- Advanced products: available on yearly plans only.
Yearly Plans Discount
Yearly plans offer you the possibility of getting huge discounts starting at 20%, and volume discounts up to 90% as you grow.
For more information, please contact our sales service: https://hrflow.ai/book-us
Startup Launchpad and Incubator Program
Startups with less than three years of existence can benefit from huge discounts, up to 90%.
For more information, please contact our sales service: https://hrflow.ai/book-us

AI Studio > AI Solutions
Parsing API
An HrFlow.ai AI that turns automatically any resume, online profile, job offer, HR file, text or URL to structured data.
It can extract over 50+ HR data points (info, location, work experiences, educations, training, projects, hard-skills, soft-skills, interests and more) from any raw text or documents across all media formats (PDF, DOCX, IMAGES, and more). The output of this API is a structured JSON format.
Some use cases of the Parsing API
Shortening applicants forms. Improving data records, Saving end-user time.
- Full Product presentation : https://hrflow.ai/parsing/
- Tutorial Resume Parsing (2min or less)
- Tutorial Text Parsing (1min or less)
- Tutorial Job Parsing (3min or less)
- Profile API Endpoint: Parse a Resume
- Text API Endpoint: Parse Text
Revealing API
The Revealing API is an HrFlow.ai's AI solution, able to predict missing & likely hard skills and soft skills from text input.
Some use cases of the Revealing API
Resume builder, Resume checker, Job offer checker, Career site SEO, Job board SEO, Profile SEO.
- Full Product presentation : https://hrflow.ai/revealing/
- Tutorial Revealing API (1min or less)
- Text API Endpoint: Vectorize a Text
Embedding API
The Embedding API is an HrFlow.ai AI solution that delivers a low-dimensional vector representation of an input Item with rich semantic information.
An HrFlow.ai AI that analyzes an input (profile, a job, an experience, an education, a list of skills, a summary, a project) then and returns a numerical vector representing the input HR object in a 2048-dimensional space.
The vectors of similar inputs will be close to each other in the 2048-dimensional space.
Some use cases of the Embedding API
Search, Indexing, Ranking, and organizing HR texts and documents according to semantic similarity.
- Product presentation : https://hrflow.ai/embedding/
- Tutorial Embedding API (10min or less) :
- Job API Endpoint: Vectorize a Job
- Profile API Endpoint: Vectorize a Profile
- Text API Endpoint: Vectorize a Text
Searching API
The Searching API is a zero-config, AI-powered, fully hosted and fully managed search engine built for HR data. It allows you to index and retrieve hyper-relevant profiles & jobs at lightning speed.
Some use cases of the Searching API
Create a tremendous and fast search. Optimize candidates' and recruiters' experience. Drive business results.
- Product presentation : https://hrflow.ai/searching/
- Tutorial Jobs Searching (5min or less)
- Tutorial Profiles Searching (5min or less)
- Job API Endpoint: Search Jobs
- Profile API Endpoint: Search Profiles
Scoring API
With the Scoring API, developers can use a flexible and straightforward API to recommend the right jobs to the right profiles and vice versa. The Scoring API comes with a catalog of audited AI Scoring algorithms, pre-trained on billions of HR data points and ready to use. These Algorithms are entirely customizable. You can re-train them on attributes and data related to your top performers to completely tailor recommendations.
Unlike traditional players, the Profile Match Score and Job Match Score are different. Moreover, these scores are not based on a simple keyword count but are probabilities.
On the one hand, the Profile Match Score represents the probability of the candidate satisfying a job's requirements. On the other hand, the Job Match Score represents the candidate's probability of applying for a job position.
In both cases, Hrflow.ai uses advanced deep learning and natural language processing techniques to calculate the score based on the candidate's entire career history and all job sections.
Some use cases of the Scoring API
Uncover hidden talents. Identify overlooked opportunities. Unlock people's full potential.
- Product presentation : https://hrflow.ai/scoring/
- Tutorial Jobs Scoring (10min or less)
- Tutorial Profiles Scoring (10min or less)
- Job API Endpoint: Score Jobs for a Profile
- Profile API Endpoint: Score Profiles for a Job
Upskilling API
The Upskilling API is an explainable AI solution (XAI) that helps recruiters and candidates to understand their matches. The explanation is based on careers' track analysis and the labor market best practices. For example, it can explain what makes a candidate stands out for a job and vice-versa, solve or define the skills gap.
The Upskilling API characterizes the Scoring API accuracy, fairness, transparency, and results. It helps promote end-user trust, model auditability, and responsible use of AI. It also mitigates compliance, legal, security, and reputational risks of production AI.
Some use cases of the Upskilling API
Build upskilling pathways. Create career tracks. Unlock peoples' and organization's potential.
- Product presentation : https://hrflow.ai/upskilling/
- Tutorial Jobs Upskilling (5min or less)
- Tutorial Profiles Upskilling (5min or less)
- Job API Endpoint: Jobs Upskilling
- Profile API Endpoint: Profiles Upskilling
Asking API
The Asking API is a powerful tool that allows users to ask a question to Job or Profile. The API will extract information explicitly or implicitly from job (Ask Job) or profile (Ask Profile).
Some use cases of the Asking API
Populate each field required by the job board for posting the job. Summarize profiles or jobs. Customize job description for specific profiles.
- Product presentation : https://hrflow.ai/asking/
- Tutorial Jobs Asking (5min or less)
- Tutorial Profiles Asking (5min or less)
- Job API Endpoint: Jobs Asking
- Profile API Endpoint: Profiles Asking
Updated 14 days ago