📁 Parse a Folder of Resumes

Learn how to efficiently parse a folder of resumes in HrFlow.ai using the add_folder function.

HrFlow.ai's Python SDK provides a powerful function, add_folder, to parse a folder of resumes and store the extracted profiles in a specified source. This guide will show you how to use this function effectively.

A. Why Use the add_folder Function?

The add_folder function is designed to streamline the process of parsing multiple resumes stored in a directory. It allows you to automate the extraction of profile information and store it in HrFlow.ai, enabling efficient data management and analysis.

B. Step-by-Step Guide

B.1. Initialize the HrFlow Client



First, initialize the HrFlow client with your API credentials.

from hrflow import Hrflow
from hrflow.utils import generate_parsing_evaluation_report

client = Hrflow(api_secret="your_api_secret", api_user="your_api_user")

B.2. Ensure Your Data is Ready

Before parsing the folder of resumes, make sure that you have placed the resumes in a directory that is accessible by the code.

For example, you can create a folder called "resumes" in the same directory as your Python script and place the resumes inside it.

└── project/
    ├── script.py
    ├── failures/
    └── resumes/
        ├── john_doe.docx
        ├── jane-doe.pdf
        └── ...

B.3 Parse the Folder of Resumes

Use the add_folder function to parse the resumes and store the profiles in a specified source.

results = client.profile.parsing.add_folder(

Field Explanations:

source_keystr"YOUR_SOURCE_KEY"The key identifying the source where your profiles (CVs) will be stored. This key is unique to the source and is required to specify the destination for the parsed profiles.
dir_pathstr"./resumes"The directory path where the resumes to be parsed are stored. This is the path to the folder containing the profile resumes.
is_recursiveboolTrueIndicates whether to parse files in subfolders as well. If set to True, the function will parse files in the specified directory and all its subdirectories.
created_atstr (optional)"2021-05-01T00:00:00Z"The original date of the application of the profile in ISO format. This field is optional and can be used to set a specific application date for the profiles.
sync_parsingbool0Indicates whether to perform synchronous parsing. If set to 1, parsing is performed synchronously. If set to 0, parsing is performed asynchronously.
move_failure_tostr or None"./failures"The directory path to move the failed files. If set to None, the failed files will not be moved.
show_progressboolTrueA flag to indicate whether a progress bar should be displayed during the parsing process. This can be useful for monitoring the progress, especially when processing a large number of resumes.
max_requests_per_minuteint30The maximum number of requests that can be made per minute. This is used to rate limit the parsing requests to avoid overloading the server.
min_sleep_per_requestfloat1The minimum time to wait between requests, in seconds. This helps to space out the requests and comply with rate limiting.

C. Additional Resources